Pictures from Orange Walk, Again
Someday I wish to cover the country the way Tony Rath has. Until then, I'll be here taking pictures in my home town. Last year I upgraded to a Nikon D300. I used to be a Canon man but the move to Nikon has been one of positive experience. Here are some recent pictures.
Lei at New River, Orange Walk Town, December 2008.
Portrait photography is not my thing. It's interesting and challenging but not my thing. When you're on location, staging and interacting with the subject and the environment, it gets interesting. The hardest part is finding a good model and the right location (recommendations anyone?).
I call this one Chicle.
Yes chicle! "Chicle is the natural gum from Manilkara chicle, which is a tropical evergreen tree native to Central America" — Wikipedia.
Yurumei at La Inmaculada Church on Garifuna Settlement Day 2008.
This shot of Yurumei in Orange Walk won me some front-page exposure and a nice large print thanks to the San Pedro Sun Newspaper. It also got picture of the day on Belize Web for a few days.
So you have a new camera... I can look forward to the best shots around on my wedding is still not in sight, but I am holding on to your promise LOL.
I really like your Yurumei pix. It is sweet. That is art my man...
Thanks for the comments all. Much appreciated.
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