The Bad Thing about Getting Old
Old men on the streets of Orange Walk Town. Circa August 2008.
The bad thing about getting old is that we start doing less. We approach things with caution, sometimes being too pesimistic. Life becomes more about what not to do. True, I agree that sometimes less is more, but to live a lifetime with such a strategy is boring and unimaginative.
Challenge yourselves to be creative and innovative because one day, you won't have that chance. You'll look like a raisin in the sun, insane in the brain. Suncreen and floss won't even matter then.
With that said, let's go plant some tomatoes or clean our rooms or maybe not.
I'd say lets go plant some tomatoes.
Thats why i think i would work as hard as i can. Now that you are young work work day and night so you can save for when you are old then you only will manage but dont waste your time in stuff that dosent bring income at the end. Do your best for your future live your life like you will die today. I live like that so i can work hard for the future.
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