October 21, 2007

Picture Sundays II

In this second installment of Picture Sundays, I'll be kicking things off with a picture of startup rock band "No Service" after their debut performance at a neighborhood picnic in Orange Walk Town.

I missed the live show. But I've been listening to them for weeks during band practice at home, so it's likely I didn't miss much. No Service: Adrian, Jasmine, Johan, Billy Jeane, Edwin (from left).

Last night, after a slight shower, Sugar City became cool and slightly windy. I decided to take a stroll down Queen Elizabeth Park to enjoy the night's ambiance. For a while, I stood adjacent to a hot dog stall where two elderly men exchanged words.

Elderly men conversing at Queen Elizabeth Park in Orange Walk Town.

The rest of the night turned out great. I met Efrain in town where we had a short chat. Convinced, I packed up and headed to his place to watch "Superbad", the flick my younger sister once referred to as "perverted". In his own words, "Superbad is flawless". It's the exact opposite of a chick flick — wild, crazy, and curse words galore!

The following pair was taken at Caesar's Guest house in Cayo and in grama's backyard respectively.

Gyula and Crypto.

Experimenting with water — it's inevitable. Like smoke and fire, the effects of water are mesmerizing. I took a dish to the bathroom sink, and released the water. I must have taken over thirty shots to get this one in. Ripple in the bathroom sink.

And that's it for this edition of Picture Sundays. Hope you enjoyed.


Vicky said...

really nice pics leo! loved all of them.. my fav was d water effect one

i want a camera like urs [even though i don't think i'd master all its functions like u do :(]

Domanick Fabro said...

you seem pretty good at what you do.

Domanick Fabro said...

ok after looking it over again I think my comment was watered down, your more than "pretty good" haha. I especially like the water ripple effect... was that untouched? as in no speshul FX

Leonardo Melendez said...

@T.T.: Rightly so. When I first got there I got some unwanted attention. Also, that picture of Gyula, he knew what was going on, didn't shy away, and took it like a little man. Calmadito that kid.

@Vicky: What functions? This ain't nothing like programming in C.

Leonardo Melendez said...

@Dom: No special effects. The trick is timing and a pretty good flash.

Everything has a reason why said...

i looove the one with the boy and the dog- niice, very nice.. have u ever tried taking pics of fire? can u try that for me?

Beth said...

I personally like how you put the Gyula and the dog. They contrast each other well. Happy dog, clueless kid....

selecta bam bam said...

everyone guess what i found, its about leo... click on the link below for details ... its important...


Leonardo Melendez said...

@Beth: They also have similarities — both young and growing organisms.

@Selecta: Bam, those long links break my page layout. Are you taking HTML classes?

Roy Rosado said...

real good shots fahmbly.. u did the ripple one without me..lol..soon soon i'll get my cam too.. until then party hardy. keep up the good works. btw up for the trip to mexico for Tiesto or what?

Point Dexter said...

Great post! Great pictures. Love the old man/hot dog stand pic.

I got a kick out of your witty comments too. Such personality! :)

Leonardo Melendez said...

Hey all, thanks for the comments. I really appreciate them.

Beth said...

Are they both Male?

Bam was creative and "came acrossed" an mean news report that claims that you are wanted for nudism and murder. It made quite a stir in the lab....

What is this boy learning at SHJC?