January 2, 2008

Picture Sundays: End of Year Edition

UDP candidate for Orange Walk central, Rosendo UDP candidate for Orange Walk central, Rosendo "Chendo" Urbina.

Some Dudes new guitaristNew guitarist joins local rock band, Some Dudes.

Once more, I find myself in front of this machine sharing my interests for those that spare the time.

2007 got the most of me while returning from a business trip a couple weeks ago. For sanity sake, I decided to take the remainder of the year off. It's been long and rough but entertaining nonetheless. Resolutions anybody?

It's 1pm in sunny Orange Walk Town. I'm steering out my bedroom window as I type, wondering what the new year will bring. The future seems so distant and already it feels taxing. Speaking of taxing, here's a picture of UDP candidate for Orange Walk central, Rosendo "Chendo" Urbina. He runs against number one contender, Johnny Briceno in the battle of the big kahunas. Come election day in March we'll find out who'll be fondling our tax dollars. Yuck (not at you Chendo, you're photogenic).

Pepe's the latest addition to the local rock band, Some Dudes. He's from Yo Creek (a village in Orange Walk) and pukes before a big gig. That's all I know. Come to think of it, very little is known of him. This was taken moments before a performance in Corozal Town.

Sadly, I ditched the guys (something I'm infamously known for) this Christams Eve and New Year's Eve to spend some hours with that person that's been taking up all my time lately. And that's as selfish as I can get. I haven't spent time with them for a while. I'm certain/hoping they won't miss me. Raas mein. Should I bend over for a spanking? Sorry fellas.

Jack Palma and sidekickJoaquin Palma and sidekick walk the streets of Orange Walk Town on Independence Day.

Three generations engage in conversation.Three generations engage in conversation at Banquitas, Orange Walk Town.

As always, hope you've enjoyed. Thanks for stoping by. It's been a pleasure.

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